Tuesday 16 May 2017

White House Defends Trump’s Decision To Fire Comey

Trump Willing To Work With Russia And China
The White House has defended United State President Donald Trump’s Decision to fire James Comey from his role as FBI Director.
“The president had to do the right thing, when he made the decision to fire the director of the FBI last week,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday when asked the President’s controversial action.
Critics have assailed Trump for abruptly firing Comey, who was leading the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign.
But Spicer said the U.S. President was aware of the likely implication.
He said, “I think that there was clearly bipartisan support that Jim Comey wasn’t up to the job. The president has every right to fire a person because he believed Director Comey lacked the judgment and the decision-making skills and wasn’t up to the job.
“The president’s reaction to this to that his position has been completely misrepresented. If you think about what he said to NBC News, he said one, he didn’t care that this action would make matters worse for worse for him.”
Russia denies it sought to interfere in the election. Trump has dismissed such talk as little more than sour grapes by Democrats who cannot accept his upset victory on November 8

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