Tuesday 16 May 2017

Trump Urged To Hand Over Any Tape Of Talks With Comey

Trump Willing To Work With Russia And China

Senior United States lawmakers have called on President Donald Trump to turn over any recordings of conversations with the fired FBI Director James Comey.
Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer warned that destroying any tapes would break the law while Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said the white house needed to “clear the air” about whether tapes existed or not.
Mr Schumer also warned that Senate democrats might refuse to vote on a new FBI until a special prosecutor is named, to investigate the alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
These come after President Trump tweeted what appeared to be a thinly veiled threat to the former FBI chief, warning Mr Comey last week against talking to the media, saying he had “better hope there are no tapes” of their conversations.
Meanwhile, the White House has neither confirmed nor denied the existence of any tapes

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